Consulting Services

Need services or digital technology for your business? We are here to help, we can help with basically anything you need, and we've provided some examples below.

Reach out for more information and specific pricing, we'll be happy to help!

Managed Service Migration

Running your own services on-premises for your business? We know that can be a hassle and a responsibility, that is why we can migrate those services to our infrastructure, improving performance and security, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Reach out to have a chat, and see what we can do for you!

Managed Microsoft 365

Looking to implement Microsoft 365 with Word, Excel, Teams etc within your business, but feel like it is complicated? That we can help with, we will set up and manage your Microsoft 365 Tenants for you, and configure services such as Microsoft Entra, SharePoint & Exchange.

Have computers on site that you'd like to be centrally managed? No problems! We will configure those computers with Microsoft Entra & Microsoft Intune for you, improving security and allowing for easier maintenance of on-premise equipment-

Reach out to have a chat, and see what we can do for you!

Website Hosting

Need a website for your business? We can make that possible, using our infrastructure, we will run and manage your website for you. This allows for enhanced performance and easier management, allowing you to focus on what matters the most for you, running and growing your business.

Reach out to have a chat, and see what we can do for you!